How to fly with us at Sunflower Gliderport, Yoder, KS
When learning to fly gliders at Sunflower you simply need to belong to both KSA and WSA to have access to rental aircraft and the flight instructors. If you would rather not become a member right away, you can schedule a demo flight to see if soaring is right for you before joining.
The WSA (Wichita Soaring Association) owns two trainer gliders used for instruction, checkrides, bi-annuals, and general all around soaring. Fees to belong to the WSA are a one time charge of $50, then $2 per month dues afterward.
WSA application (print, sign, scan, email -or- print, sign, mail)
The KSA (Kansas Soaring Association) owns the tow plane and two seat Grob glider. Currently it is $100/yr to belong to KSA which includes the $72/yr SSA (Soaring Society of America) membership as well.
KSA application (print, sign, scan, email -or- print, sign, mail)
If you already belong to the SSA, hold a current FAA glider certificate, and would like to bring your glider out and fly with us at Sunflower... then you only need to pay $75 to KSA to become a member and of course pay your tow charges.
KSA application (print, sign, scan, email -or- print, sign, mail)
If you would like a demo or sightseeing ride at Sunflower, you will need to contact an instructor. Instructors are normally assigned on Saturdays from 12pm to 5pm. Check the April or May Variometer for duty schedule.
If you would like the entire handout on Soaring Kansas you can click here.
Sunflower Soaring Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization - 2019